Thursday, December 01, 2011


                  Okay so I admit the TITLE is a bit weird and unreadable, it's because I may have gotten the idea of the name from a "friend" earlier this afternoon. So this title is in honor of my *crush* (insert blushing face here) and yes I know I'm being a bit corny right now-- dedicating the title to my crush-- but can I just be a teen for once, and blush and gossip about the hot guy sitting a few plastic chairs ahead of my own in Photography class? I am fully aware that I am endangering my social life by writing all this down because for all I know my friends and classmates might check out this blog sooner and by then my social life will be all over, but I'm willing to risk it anyway. Just because I like him doesn't mean I'm incapable of writing about him-- in fear of being busted-- I'll write anyhow because that's what I do and I love what I do even if that means opening myself up to the public for social humiliation-- this is not really going to happen right? Right?! So anyway, I totally had FUN all day round! I got to actively participate in both my dreaded subjects-- Philosophy and Literature-- I even got to discuss the topic with the teacher well, I enjoyed our essay activity in Literature, I was very interactive and productive during my Photography Class (I asked lots and lots of questions and I learned a lot of stuff about Photography-- the usual), AND I think I made quite an impression on you-know-who (which is not Lord Voldemort by the way). I was teased, and teased, and bullied, and teased again for the nth time, but it was worth it! That feeling when you exercise your face muscles by smiling a whole lot-- I had that, it was hilarious! I was laughing and blushing all throughout the entire period because my "friend" wouldn't stop making a fuss about you-know-who and me, she was really, literally teasing me for the whole time we were together and I was laughing with her because she was trying so hard to gain the attention of a certain person, sometimes even going way overboard, but in the end she succeeded. And it was without embarrassment. I literally got served by my friends because a whole lot of them was joining in the fun, and it was a me-against-the-world show. I tried defending myself, I literally shut myself up just to appease the current situation we were in which was of course-- noisy and embarrassing-- but I just couldn't do anything, no matter how hard I tried, about it. I was just hopeless, I was like waiting for the consequences to arise already because I knew they were making quite an impression on you-know-who, and they were pointing to me (of course, they'd point to me, I was the one being teased upon) as the main reason for their actions. Shame on me. Nah! Just kidding. I actually liked it (not the fuss making), just the good time we had together, I mean we laughed and we enjoyed every bit of that laugh, now that was priceless! And by the way, while we were at it, my friend RJ made us chinese-ink-tattoes on the wrist that were almost similar to Henna except it's water soluble meaning it can be erased with just water. And these are photos of his work on my wrist, I hope you like it!

                    So that ends my current post. Thanks and Godbless!

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