Thursday, June 07, 2012

rainy days


                                    It has been raining in Manila lately. Summer has left, and the rainy season of June has slowly made its way into the country. Cool summer breezes are being replaced by humid, sticky air, followed by gray clouds and darkening skies. Iced drinks and treats are being traded in for cups of warm to hot coffee or cocoa. The sun is no longer shining for half the day's time, and umbrellas are no longer used for protection against the heat of the sun, but for the heavy pouring rain that is sure to pour at some time of the day. Although I feel sad that I wasn't at all able to go out to the beach and bathe in the sun this summer, rainy days are also perfect for me especially when you get to have your fair share of cold, cozy, indoor solitude-- not to mention the perfect cup of warm chocolate that goes together with that moment. I've been missing the extreme sun and the noisy afternoon laughter we had during summer, but I have also been enjoying myself to the cold, rainy nights that let me sleep in till late morning. 

                          Aside from the cozy, pouring, afternoon rain brought about by summer's goodbye long, slow, and lazy days are also in. Which come to think of it has contributed greatly to the huge appetite and sort-of hibernation routine I always catch myself doing. So much for a healthy lifestyle. The rain, the cold, the sad, tearful memories, they all go along so well, I wonder why-- top it off with a slow, classic song and you're sure to have that nostalgic moment as if you've just had a blast from the past.

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