Monday, June 04, 2012

just visiting

            I've been gone for a while now, and have just recently visited my blog. For the couple of times I've been going in and out, I realized I haven't been paying much attention to it, and have in fact tucked it in with the rest of my once prioritized things to do-- which makes me sad, because this right here, is where a piece of my soul and heart belongs. Anyway, I've been so busy trying to learn htmls, codes, tutorials on creating websites and all of that stuff, because lately I've been having this idea of creating my own website-- that way it'd reflect and really show who and what I really am as a writer, as a person, as me-- but I haven't had luck with any of that, so, yeah there goes my personalized website. So much for progress. But I did learn though, only a little, and when I say a little, that would mean it's even smaller than little. I could laugh at my slow progress but it's really not that worthwhile as I think it is. Moving on, I am so glad to announce that I am officially not going to enroll this school year! Did I just type "glad" together with "not going to enroll" and all in one statement? Jeez. That sounded way off. But yeah, it's true, I won't be going to school because I have decided that going to school is way too stressful for me, so I'm going to take a time out from all the waves of stress and maybe relax, enjoy, and contemplate on the joys this life has to offer-- just kidding. The reason I'm not going to school this year is that I am going somewhere else, at least that's what I hope I do, go somewhere else and not get stuck in the house having nothing to do. Two months of staying in this house has made me so lazy I feel crippled already! And that is no joke. I feel like I'm this vegetable that needs rehabilitation and rejuvenation when its quite the opposite, I'm a young, lazy, fat-ass that eats and sleeps away while the rest of the world is busy catching up with its pace. This is the sad, unacceptable truth that I have to blind myself from everyday, imagine I've been doing it for a full two months now. It makes me sick. So to take away some of the guilt and the wasted hours I am posting this together with a few shots I took some weeks ago when I-- for the first time-- went outside of our house for real to hang-out with friends! Imagine that!

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