Saturday, January 28, 2012

thanks Kaye

             This is another random post. I keep on telling myself that I should plan my posts, think about a topic before writing, then I realize I'm not like that at all with my journal-- I don't think and I don't plan, I just write whatever, whenever I feel like it. It's like this crave that gets to me, and I just can't stop until I satisfy that crave. Well anyway, thanks to my friend Kaye, whose blog I happened to visit earlier (and I think you should too), I am now here writing a new post. I was inspired by how well she complimented my passion for writing that I felt guilty I had been so busy lately that I seldom find time to do what I love doing. Yes, I know, the reality of my situation is what gets me, but the only thing I could ever do about it is be patient. I've got years of studies way ahead of me, and if I lose my cool with the hectic schedules and heavy pressures I've been putting up with, then I won't be able to live the life I love and love the life I live-- in short I won't be able to do what I love anymore-- which by the way I don't ever, ever, want to happen.

              For the past days I have already been thinking of ways to spend my one year vacation which would start right away this April. Because in all honesty, I don't know what I'm going to do when I arrive in Rome. I don't have a plane ticket yet, which makes it all the more surreal and impossible to believe in. But anyway, if ever that does happen, and I arrive there, having Rome all to myself, at least I have my plans to back me up! The thing is, I can't decide on what exactly to do, so I end up thinking of so many random things to do such as: visit the tourist spots there, take a lot of pictures, try out the different kinds of food, go to the museums, visit Paris,Venice, Milan and all the other nice places, go shopping and try out all the winter clothes (the Philippines is a tropical country and how I badly wish we had snow so that I could go around wearing a trench coat without being looked at, and laughed at by people)-- and of course blog about every single one of my experiences. On the sad note however, every one of the things I plan on doing requires spending money and really don't want to bother my mom and ask her for money because I know how much she would be paying for my brother and I to stay there.

              You know that moment when you wish you already have a job that lets you earn more than what you spend? I am having that moment right now. How I wish I was already employed and earning money, that way I wouldn't have to ask for anything from my mom. I am being so dramatic and petty and in such a hurry to grow up when what I should be doing is savor every dependent moment of my life because this won't last forever. Okay, I've had my realizations, I just hope I get to enjoy every single second of my time there and be able to share it with you on this blog. Oh and by the way, I have been planning to set up a lookbook account, I just haven't decided yet on whether I should make one separate blog for that, or to merge it with this blog I have right now. So that's all I have to say for today. It's weird having to write as if you're talking to someone, because I usually only write as if I were the only person who could read whatever I write.


  1. Woah! A post with a title with my name on it. Hahaha!

    I don't like the fact that you're going to Rome. If it's still too surreal for you, then switch places with me. Cause that is like one of the things I want to do. If I were you, I'd be a fashionista from day 1 in Rome until forever. Hahaha! That is like the best place to express yourself in fashion. No one knows you there, meaning you wouldn't even care the people's opinions. AND HELLO? IT'S EUROPE! Hahaha!

    And yes, do set up a Lookbook account already. I can help you if you want. With the photos and stuff. Just post your lookbook looks here. And you can be a fashion blogger. You can even earn money to spend in Rome with it. You can also buy me pasalubong. :)))

  2. Kaye C: Haha! Thank you Kaye, for the support, inspiration and comment! You inspire me to do more, and to do better on my blog thank you for that! I really don't think I'd have to transform into a fashionista when I go there, I just know I'd fit in especially with the fashion, well you know what I mean. And about that lookbook account, gaaa! I need some more planning, but you said you will help me so thank you so much! Although I doubt the fashion blogger part you said, because I feel like I'm more of a life-experience blogger :)) Anyway, I will surely buy you some pasalubong! HAHA. Don't worry :)))
