Monday, January 30, 2012

a series of unfortunate events

               Today has really been one hell of a day for me, because literally I've been little-miss-series-of-unfortunate-events. I don't even want to talk about the "unfortunate" part of it because I tell you it's all too brutal and all too socially humiliating. I was so embarrassed I died-- or at least I wanted to. Honestly, I'm really trying so hard not to spill the beans right now, and I feel so stupid doing so. HAHA. I mean, anyone whose anyone would seriously want to just shut up and die, but I guess I'm quite the opposite. Believe it or not, I have tried so hard to preserve my social dignity, to avoid being embarrassed too much, to keep it to myself but I just can't help it-- I tell all. For the most part, I have told a few of my friends about it, then it got more, and more, and now, it seems like I'm just going to have to tell the whole world about it. No, I'm not trying to be famous or anything (as if I'd get famous for writing about my unzipped fly), and I'm not trying to get sympathy either (it gets even worse when people sympathize) I'm just trying to let all this unexplained-mixed-emotion feeling out of my chest. Huh! *deep breaths*

                 So here goes (hello social suicide), I was supposed to wake up at 6:30 a.m. because my class starts at 7:30, so last night I set my alarm to that time-- 6:30 a.m. This morning, I woke up early just before my alarm was about to sound, but this time, this freakin' time I didn't bother to leave the bed (bad choice). The weather outside was cold, it was raining so hard and I just had to close my eyes again, and before I knew it, an hour has passed. When it finally dawned on me that I was late for my class I hurriedly scurried down to the bathroom and changed. I was almost ready for school (15 mins late) when another heavy rained poured and it was when I went outside that I realized the madness of the weather. It was raining so hard and so fast that the water level was rising. I could've missed class if I didn't have an exam I needed to take, what I meant to say was: it was a storm out there! You could just imagine the literal rivers of flood I had to cross on my way to school. But I had an exam and I was soaking wet when I entered the school grounds. Thank God the plate that I brought along with me wasn't or I'd be double-dead then.

                   I thought that was the last straw of my bad luck-- you know, getting soaked in the rain and being late for an exam I desperately needed to take-- but it wasn't. In reality my bad luck was just starting.  I was able to take the exam, but I was so late I only got to answer two items. By the way, our Natural Science teacher had a funny way of giving an exam. He only gave ten items but when we got around to check it the points were then multiplied by ten! A hundred items all in all. I thought it unfair because students had a lesser chance at passing since there were only ten questions and every point depended on those ten questions. But anyway, yeah, when that exam passed along with the heavy rain, what came next was a major shock-- the fly on my skirt was open, during the whole time I sat in class and even the time before that! And what was even worse was the fact that someone had to tell me or I wouldn't have known about it at all! Jeeezz. I take it worse than seeing a butt-crack! You could just imagine my face when they were all like: "Hey, you're fly's open." (But of course, this was delivered on a shocked but considerate tone) God, how I wanted to die right then and there! I wanted to melt away, or to disappear into thin air, I wanted to hide.

                    If my seatmate hadn't seen it and his girlfriend hadn't told me about it, I don't know what would have happened. Maybe hell would have opened up and gobbled me right then and there to prevent me from further humiliation, or maybe God would have covered me with His glory from the Adam and Eve story to prevent people from seeing how naked I was-- or how naked I felt I was. The horror of my dilemma. And when you thought I couldn't have suffered more damage, well I'm telling you that wasn't all that happened, there was more. Anyway, I haven't gotten over the "unzipped fly" thing when I went upstairs for my second class, but I figured life should go on. So given the circumstances that I cannot time travel to undo what has been done, I decided to just accept and move on with what has happened. And that's what I did, I went to our classroom, took a walk to the CR, then I took off my shoes (they were still soaking wet), then I tiptoed back to our classroom carrying my shoes. I know I should've brought slippers along with me, but I was too late for class to bother. And just when I was about to enter the room I stepped on something wet and I slipped, I fell flat on my butt on the cold, wet, floor and while they were all laughing I was thinking: Wow. What a day! My skirt was all wet with water and there were people around me laughing. For a moment there I felt like little-miss-clumsy-class-clown and then I laughed at myself, for being clumsy enough to have slipped without even knowing I was headed for that slip. I didn't feel the slightest "Kill me now" moment I had earlier that day because I seemed to have anticipated for that moment to happen given the long line of karma that has already befallen me. Hours later I was yet again headed for the worst of things: hyperacidity-- yeah, and that's when all the bad luck seemed to have combined into one major unfortunate event. It so happened that the hyperacidity was so painful and unbearable I had to ditch class which I never usually do with or without hyperacidity-- but this time I just couldn't tolerate the pain anymore so I went home.

                     I guess I should've been mad at all the things that happened, or I should've been frustrated for the bad day I had, but I wasn't. Yes, maybe I was a little frustrated at first because of the mega-humiliating fly problem, but aside from that I just feel fine. I don't know why, but amidst all that has happened today, despite all the bad luck I had, I'm still full of joy and I can still say God was with me. I know He was with me when it was raining hard and I wasn't thinking straight because I was rushing to go to class, I know He was with me when I was struggling to carry an umbrella and a 1/4 size illustration board amidst heavy pouring rain, I know He was with me when I took the shuttle ride, when I entered class, when I took the test, when I failed it, when my dilemma was discovered, when I slipped, and even when I went home because of hyperacidity-- I know He was with me through it all and He's still with me now. I'm not that spiritual as I may seem to be, but I believe in how God works and how He's true and faithful to those who believe in Him. So that's what happened, those were my series of unfortunate events and for the record, it doesn't really matter how long the list goes or how major or minor they are, it is on how you respond and react to those things that count. This has been one hell of a day, but this day didn't rob me of the joy I have inside, and that's all that matters :D Updates soon! Godbless!

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