Saturday, October 20, 2012

first day of class

                  I had my first language class yesterday and thank God I survived-- literally! I had expected the lessons to be pure Italian with no use of English words whatsoever, even in the dialect that was to be used inside the classroom, but I was not exactly prepared for what was going on in there-- I just thought I was. I originally thought "Oh, it would be fine, I'll just understand it like everybody else does.." but when I got there, I was like "What the hell is the teacher saying?!" I mean, you will literally drop your jaw if you don't even have the slightest bit of Italian education, and I don't have even the tiniest of that education. All I've ever known is "ciao" and "dove sei" for "hi/hello/goodbye" and "where are you", just those words. And imagine I was sitting at the back of the classroom and the teacher was babbling about this and that, and I didn't have the slightest clue to what she was saying. Good thing I sat at the table where all the Filipinos were, but even so, I still could not understand a word, and I couldn't just disturb my seatmates by asking all my stupid questions such as "what is going on?" So I just sat there, with my jaw dropped, and trying to process even just one word into my brain. Jeez. Even with all the movement of the hands and all that body language, I was still clueless. I remember there was this quiz going on a few seconds after I settled down on my seat, and my oh my, was I a complete joke. The teacher was asking us to name the things inside the classroom such as the white board, the chalk, the door, etc. of course I knew what those things were, but I didn't know what their Italian names were and I was like "what do I write here?" All my seatmates had answers while I had none. Of course as a newbie that was excusable, but at that moment I just felt so stupid and I wanted to laugh at myself because I was beginning to think I was in some sort of reality show where I was being punk'd. Anyway, after that horrible exercise everything else just fell into place, later on as the lesson progressed my seatmates were lending me a hand and trying to explain to me what the lesson was all about. Thank God for kind people, if not for them I would just stare into oblivion throughout the whole period and I wouldn't want to come back again. Well I got to learn just some few things such as the use of verbs, there are a lot of classifications and a lot of changing of verbs in the Italian language. I learned to make the statement "Io sono arrabbiata"  which is Italian for "I am angry"; "Io ho fame" which meant "I am hungry"; "Noi abbiamo sete" which is "We are thirsty"-- notice the change in verbs used? Ugh, and I have to memorize all of them. I also learned later on when I arrived home that in conversations the "I", "You", "We" or "Io", "Tu", "Noi" are not that used. So instead of saying "Io sono arrabbiata" you just say "Sono arrabbiata" when talking with someone. My oh my is this so conflicting.  But all in all it was a good experience and I'm looking forward to the widening of my horizons! I have to sleep so Buona Notte lovely people!


  1. You really have to teach me Italian when you come back here. Italian 101 jud ta ani. Haha!

    1. HAHAHA! I will try to be good at it, seven months is a looong way and hopefully I'll learn that much to be able to teach you well. hahaha. Miss you Kaye, sooooo much :')
