Friday, August 24, 2012


                      We all have our share of intuitive human instincts and most of the time we just follow these sort of "feeling guides" in the things we do-- I've been doing just that the past few months, and I thank God I did. You know when you wake up and you're supposed to do something important but instead you feel lazy and you just sleep in till noon and not do anything at all, well I'm not so sure as to whether or not laziness is part of our instincts but I'm pretty sure it has done wonders with the timing of things taking place in my life. I'm usually this person who doesn't move a muscle when I don't feel like doing whatever I'm supposed to be doing. I just wait for the moment when I feel like it, and most of the time everything just falls into place-- no delays, no disappointment, I succeed at achieving what I'm supposed to do that day. There have been times that I don't really feel like it but I do it anyway and at the end of the day I just get frustrated with the results and statistics. So now I'm kinda in this lifestyle where I don't necessarily depend on my emotions but on my instincts-- that feeling deep inside and I find it very helpful and I just wanted to share that maybe there will be days when you don't really want to get up, days when you won't really feel inspired to do anything at all, days when you would just want to lay in bed the whole day and succumb to the comfortable sheets-- then do. We all need a break at some point in time, and when your instincts tell you that you should have one, feel free to do so. It wouldn't hurt, not one bit, because the next day everything will just fall into place, well at least mine do.


  1. Hahaha, btw i've been mastering my instincts lately.

    1. Oh my! Hahaha! Good for you! And way cooler that I found out you actually read my blog! I'm flattered :) Thanks Pripes!
