Sunday, December 30, 2012

year ender

                Last 2011 I ended the year with a bang-- celebrating for the first time, Christmas with my family and relatives in Manila. The year before that, 2010, my dad, brothers and I also celebrated our first Christmas in a new apartment after thirteen years of renting that old, haunted-like house, by the side of the road. This year I celebrated my first Christmas with my mom in Rome-- at least the only one that I can and will remember being with her on Christmas Eve. 

                Three consecutive years of change. Every year holds a promise of something new: a new journey, a new place, a new house, new people, a new adventure-- all of which I never dreamed of experiencing. The year 2010 brought us change, 2011 brought us new hope, and 2012 tested our new found hope. In a few more hours, the old year will end and the new one will start, 2013 will overflow with greater promise, and new starts for all of us even for me. Cheers for being alive and for not seeing the anticipated doomsday! I thank God for the numerous blessings, opportunities, and for every promise that He has fulfilled in my life. Truly He holds everything in His hands. Because of Him I will be ending this year with a smile on my face, and a new dream in my heart: the dream to go the distance, and be who He wants me to be. With every walk down a new street, a ride on a newly departing train, and with every sound of a shutter closing, I am slowly but surely realizing where I want to be headed with my life, on that long, winding journey of finding and discovering. Before I end this year, I would like to reminisce the results of my wanderlust, I will be showcasing below some of the shots I took this year. Yes, this has been long overdue, and I apologize, for lack of a better excuse I will just leave my apology at that.

                  These were taken on the transit from Riyadh to Rome, when I had to sit for twelve hours at the waiting area of the King Khaled International Airport, and wait for the sun to show itself.

               Funny story, some Arab women back at the airport's ladies room actually thought I was Arab also (thick eyebrows. they can be deceiving, yes?) They somehow managed to ask me-- in their own language-- why I was dressed that way, you know, jeans and sweats with no head scarf on. Orrr, maybe I was just really breaking the rules or something. Ha! I wouldn't know.

                The next photos were from my first night in Rome, when my mom and I passed by Piazza della Repubblica on the way home after dinner. Piazza della Republicca is one of the tourist attractions in Rome, and I think it's because of the Fontana delle Naiadi-- the fountain located at the center of the circle with the creepiest sculptures ever to be seen by my eyes-- and I say this without malice, but I've got to hand it to the artist for having such wild, vivid imaginations, of naked people sitting on what appears to be a scary horse and ostrich. Well, according to my research, the ostrich is actually a swan, and the naked people are actually nymphs.

                 Anyway that's all I could upload for now. As simple as it may seem, uploading is really kind of a pain in the butt for me since my laptop keeps on blacking out, well technically, it tends to go all white with the screen and all that crap, and I have to wait for a couple of minutes for it to be back on again. I seriously need to buy an external hard drive! I will be one dead girl if my laptop gets fried (God forbid). But it will have to do for now, because I don't have the money to buy myself a hard drive. I also need to start saving up for that prime lens I've been dying to have for more than a year now, but how will I ever save up if I don't even have a job. So I guess 2013 will be good to me, I'll have a job, I'll travel, I'll shoot and I'd somehow, in a sort of different way, be close to being like Nirrimi-- free-spirited and brave. Ha! Like what the pastor said earlier, "Start to ask big from God, because He is no small god." That's exactly what I will do, ask big from Him tonight. So guys, greet the New Year with awesomeness because it will be awesome! I promise to update sooner, and really get back on those long overdue posts.

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