Friday, July 20, 2012

sun sets

                 My ideal scene of a sunset would have to be, me with the man I will forever love by my side, watching the sun go down the dark mountains. And we would just stand there staring at it all with no need for words. The empty space filled with the overwhelming light would just captivate our very soul and deep inside we'd be thankful for that very moment that we were able to watch the sun go down together, hand in hand, and side by side-- just like the movies. Yup. I know, I am indeed a sucker for romance. I guess you're like that when you haven't been in a relationship yet and you think to yourself fairytales can happen, and happy ever after still exists, or would exist when it comes your way. I would never know, but I am hopeful. Well at least I'm not in a hurry to meet my Knight in Shining Armor or have my share of happily ever after, the perfect love takes time after all-- or so I think. Well since I haven't had my perfect sunset yet, here's my almost perfect sunset that I took to memory when I went to the country side, it was just me and my camera, together forever like lovers feeling the pull of the warm, cozy setting of the sun.

                 Who ever said that life couldn't get any more beautiful? This in fact proves them wrong, because life indeed is still so beautiful no matter the circumstance, no matter the person you are with, no matter the distance, and no matter the pain. 


  1. These are beautiful! Reminds me of sunsets in New Mexico

  2. Thank you Lauren! I know, sunsets are absolutely amazing! I hope someday I can also witness the sunset in New Mexico :)
